Monday, January 28, 2008

Robert Morris wipes his record clean (?)

Looks like our friend Top Reviewer Robert Morris got rid of all critical comments under his reviews. Tell me if I'm wrong, but I couldn't see a single one of those posts that questioned his all-five-star ratings or at-least-a-book-a-day reading habit. All I could see was some quantity of joyous and laudatory Quality Comments(TM). A major delete-and-repost campaign, or am I seeing things?


scotdog98 said...

Scotdog groans - I didn't see any comments but am I the only one who sighs when I see such long-winded reviews? I have learned I am a woman of few words - like it or leave it - please say what you mean with less hot air!

Sorry - had a small vent session!

Is this a trick of the trade to turn off the masses (or the scotdogs) by being as wordy as you can possible be?

I feel better - thanks!

Malleus said...

You're welcome! :-)

Wordy indeed, but since you're there anyway, try "Laurance Bernabo" :D

Btw, one good thing I noticed about Robert Morris is that he has slowed down rather incredibly. His recent record appears almost realistic, like a dozen books a month. I find that remarkable.