Friday, May 8, 2015

New Kid on the Block

If you are a publicist for a book, it is NOT OK to review the book you're publicizing.  A colleague of ours has forwarded us the following screenshot (click the images to enlarge):

And we have found the following five star review of this book on Amazon -- written by, you guessed it, Mr. Schaefer!

Maybe you haven't been at this for too long, Craig.  It's not too late to redeem yourself!  (Also, FYI, we reported you to Amazon.)

1 comment:

Malleus said...

It's quite widespread, actually. Even authors do this (I mean, openly; that they do it surreptitiously we know). Even people you think decent sometimes do that. I guess the ethics of this action (obvious to you and me) are not obvious to everyone.