Sunday, August 12, 2007

Grady Gets Bumped or The Lazarus Effect

It looks as if the latest technique of the Harpists is to resurrect Grady's old reviews and attempt to breathe life into them. The most recent exhumation has been performed by Diogenes, (there's an irony, I thought he was looking for an honest man-keep looking). This review of Robert Hellenga's novel The Fall of a Sparrow is from September of 1998. It's one paragraph and tells you absolutely nothing about this book. But that didn't prevent Diogenes from his attempt at reanimation. I guess he saw the success that C.MCCALLISTER had and thought he'd jump in.

This nine year old review currently has 7 of 24 helpful votes. Those were the days before the "loyalty voters". It will be interesting to watch and see how many votes this old review can pick up.


Cathy said...

That will be curious to watch. I wonder who this Diogenes person is and why he "bumped" (his words) the review up to the top of the comments. I see the spolights have one or two helpfuls only. And Gray's got a log of neg's on that review.

Stephanie said...

And what is Grady now? The number 7 reviewer? If the Harpists start voting positives for the old reviews he will quickly jump up in ranks.

Barbara Delaney said...

Clearly the "loyalty voters" have heeded the clarion call, this useless review has picked up an additional NINE votes in just a few hours.

Stanley H Nemeth said...

Since I'm not yet sold on any of the candidates for 2008, I suggest Grady Harp, with his undeniable vote-getting power, run for the Presidency next year. C. McCallister or Len Fleisig would be good choices for his Veep. If he loses the election, he can always claim that he in fact won Florida, but that his "loyalty voter" count wasn't properly factored in. This way local corruption (Amazon) can be more clearly seen as part of a larger, national decadence.

Stephanie said...


LOL. Thanks for the chuckle!

Malleus said...

Actually, 'Diogenes' is our good old 'Josh_Clemens', as you might remember (and whom you might remember). Here's one guy not in danger of underestimating his self-worth ... :-)

PS. Seems like August 11 had been an especially fruitful day for Harriet? I just paged through w/o counting -- how many was it? Gotta be like a hundred!

PPS. Stanley, I'm with you! Grady for President! I'll be damned... with a little help from his friends he'll win, hands down. Fleisig as VP, for sure.

Barbara Delaney said...


Please, in the future remember that it's C.MCCALLISTER, all in capitals. (can you spell E-G-O?)

I could see Grady for head of the N.E.A., or has that been eliminated? If he ran for president Len would be the obvious choice for veep. He's that kind of colorless, all -things-to-all-people nonentity that does so well in the number two spot. (please children, no laughing at the mention of #2)
And besides C.MCCALLISTER'S name would crowd out Grady's on their signs.

Stanley H Nemeth said...

Good points all! My only fear, if Harp and Len become the winning team, is that they'd likely appoint the surely loyal (if not much else) MM (Marie) head of FEMA, if not try to get her on the Supreme Court.

Malleus said...

Btw, about 'FreeHam' -- the poster who posted the comment to the effect that Grady should be left alone -- why? yes, yes we know -- in order not to diminish the artist's achievement (an old canard I'm tired of hearing over and over again). FreeHam's profile says 'FreeHam Records'. And what do you know? The record in question happens to be released by FreeHam Records. What a coincidence! Poor artist indeed...

Malleus said...

The review has 17 (of 38) positive votes now.