Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Klausner's Mad Math and Logic Skills (IV)

In Part 1, we examined Klausner's known work history and some of the requirements for earning a bachelors and masters degree in Library Sciences.

In Part 11, we looked at Klausner’s punctuation, grammar, and spelling errors; pronouns, nouns, adjectives, adverbs, redundancies, singulars and plurals, verb tenses; prepositions, possessives, and the weird and wacky.

In Part III, we reviewed Klausner’s writing, communication, and literacy skills.

This section investigates Klausner’s math and logic skills.  How do we do that?  Again, it’s very easy.  Numbers are the most logical and purest form of communication that we have.  They are absolute and are the foundation of science.  In the first grade, children are taught to add simple numbers like 1 + 1.  By the fourth grade, we have learned subtraction, multiplication, and division.

How do we apply this information to Klausner’s reviews and profiles?  We just look at the numbers she uses.

On Amazon, she says that she reads 2 books per day.
On Book Crossing.com she says she reads 2-3 books per day.
In Time Magazine, she is quoted as reading 4-6 books per day.
Wired Online Magazine reports Klausner as writing 2 reviews per day.
On All Readers.com she says she reviews 3-4 books per day.
On Amazon, her review average is 7 books per day.

Nothing quite adds up in those statements.

Now let’s go look inside her reviews.  What do we find there?  Let’s start with basic addition:

Harriet says that Holt, Max, and Mira are a quartet.
Harriet says that "three girls begin singing".  They are:  Penn, Thea, Arista, and Alexi.
Harriet characterizes Amalie, Oliver, Michael, Eve, Shane, Claire, and at least two vampires as “the Glass House quartet”.

Burke and Sergeant Moore, Clayton Manning, Tesla protégé, and Professor Dan Richards.

How does one graduate from the first grade without being able to count to 8?

Here, an author says that Harriet got the number of pack members in her book wrong.  Harriet said there were 13 pack members.  Apparently, there weren’t.

Now we make the easy transition to logic.  Logic, in some way, means making order out of chaos.   But it appears that we have someone who brings chaos out of order.

Inexplicably, we have the placement of the years 1886  and 1896 in the 1990s.  This novel, according to Harriet’s review begins in 1886; yet she concludes her review by stating that it occurs in the last decade of the 1900s (“the twentieth century”).

Harriet places 1922 after the end of World War II (1945, 1951, or 1955, depending on which event historians cite).

In another review, Harriet mentions the “1500s”, “the 1940s” and  “1949”, but says the book addresses questions from the 1930s and 1912.

Numbers are a beautiful thing!

Continue to Section V, "What's Ethics Got to Do With It?"

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